
Brazil bridge collapses after boat hit

On Saturday, April 6, 2019, a ferryboat hit a bridge located into the Moju River on the state of Para, in Brazil, which partially collapsed. The incident has caused severe issues as the bridge was part of a highway that leads to Belém, one of the busiest ports in the country.


In Brazil’s northern state of Pará, a ferryboat collision with a bridge pillar led to a dramatic incident. The impact caused a 200-meter (657-foot) section of the bridge to plunge into the Moju River, taking with it the central roadway and two small cars. This unfortunate event also severed a highway that connects to one of Brazil’s busiest ports, Belém 1.

Witnesses recounted the harrowing sight of the cars descending into the water after the ship struck one of the bridge’s pillars. The fate of those inside the submerged vehicles remains uncertain, and fire department scuba divers are diligently searching the river.

Thankfully, the five crew members aboard the ferry survived the collision. However, the collapse of approximately 650 feet (200 meters) of the half-mile (860-meter) bridge has left authorities grappling with the aftermathGovernor Helder Barbalho declared a state of emergency, emphasizing the urgency of locating any victims and providing unwavering support to their families 1.

Earlier this year, an inspection of the bridge revealed corrosion issues affecting its pillars. Although the government sought emergency funds to address the problem, they did not consider it severe enough to close the route. Now, as debris litters the river, authorities are working to clear the area and have set up barges to ferry residents across until the bridge can be repaired. Warning signs adorn the pillars of nearby bridges, cautioning travelers 1.

This bridge, part of a complex that spans the intricate network of rivers at the mouth of the Amazon river basin, plays a crucial role in connecting rural cities to the state capital 1. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the delicate balance between infrastructure maintenance and public safety.

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